Print your Etsy artwork purchases!

If you have recently purchased a “digital download” or “printable artwork” off Etsy and are looking for someone to print a beautiful copy of your purchase, then look no further - that person is me, with my Canon printers! A most popular paper selection for Etsy digital download artwork is Hahnemuhle German Etching paper. It is slightly textured, which gives a one-of-a-kind handmade feel to any digital print. Yes, these prints cost more than your average run of the mill Staples colour photocopier print, but it is a quality worth spending the little bit extra on. Most people will look at the print and think it is an original drawing or watercolour. Today’s inkjet printers output prints which look better than the original in most cases. Give me a call or email and we can arrange a date where you can come in and take a look at the paper samples available for use with my Canon Prograf 1000 and Canon Prograf 4100 fine art printers!

  • Luba (Owner)

Artwork by Calgary Artist Jen Mohr

Close up of Hahnemuhle German Etching paper. Artwork by Calgary Artist Jen Mohr. Buy her art here! ->


Plan your artwork sizes for matting.